Controversial social media influencer Andrew Tate banned

Meta, Facebook’s algorithm that decides what posts are seen by whom and when have removed content creator Andrew Tate following online calls from last week for him to be deplatformed.

When Matt Bernstein posted a viral blog post about the 35-year old’s internet presence, he was described as being dangerous.

The anti gay comments that were made during his various podcast appearances shocked many people who only now realize how big of an impact they really had on LGBTQ+ rights

The media needs to start paying attention because this man might just be one angry individual with nothing better going on than spending hours every day

He has become known around the world for expressing misogynistic views and criticizing women on different platforms.

Among his controversial comments, he was suspended from Twitter in 2017 because of what some people feel is blaming female rape victims

by saying they were wearing too much clothing or looking slutty - this as allegations against disgraced Hollywood executive Harvey Weinstein flooded headlines everywhere

He also called them "intrinsically lazy" which prompts us think about how hard work should be done between two equal partners

 His videos, which can be found with hashtags related to him being uploaded onto TikTok's platform at least 12 billion times collectively

according the UK advocacy group Hope Not Hate-- raise questions about how far freedom of speech is really going when it comes down from just words but also actions as well .