Lea Michele Addresses Past Allegations and "Sad"

Lea Michele revealed that she went through an "intense time of reflection" following past allegations surrounding her conduct at work.

The 35-year old singer opened up about her professional life, including past allegations of conduct amongst Glee co stars.

The apology from Michele came after she faced intense criticism for making Samantha's experience on Glee "a living hell

 The singer said that while filming the show, which aired between 2009 and 2015, her co-stars were constantly targeted 

These comments included being called fat or ugly in front of other people who weren't directly addressed during conversations

all these subtle things added up over time until they became traumatic experiences according to Ware In June 2020

The accusation that Michele is not able to read or write has been throughput online in recent years. 

 In a Facebook Live video from 2017, podcasters accused her of this claim

and claimed it as their own until they were called out on Twitter for spreading misinformation

by one user who knows how difficult reading might be if you're colorblind!