Pokémon Center London’s exclusive plush has sold out

The Beefeater Pikachu plush, which was exclusively sold at Pokemon Center London over the past few days and is now being scalped for nearly triple its retail price.

Pokemon Center London has been a popular destination for Pokemon fans since it closed its doors in 2019. When the store reopened on Saturday, August 17th with an increased number of visitors 

new booking system implementation and longer hours than previously announced by management officials at first glance seemed like sufficient reasons

there were long lines outside waiting patiently inside until they could get their hands on some exclusive merchandise 

meet-and -greet opportunities; but then something even more surprising happened: lots more people showed up!

This made for tons of angry customers and insane prices on sites like eBay! Fast forward to this year's event where it happened again

Pokemon fans are going crazy over the new limited edition plush, with some people even paying three times as much for them

The VGC has contacted The Pokemon Company to see if any more stock will be released tomorrow

 so that customers can get their hands on this unique item before it sells out!