second US congressional delegation visits Taiwan

The US congressional delegation led by Massachusetts Democratic Sen. Ed Markey arrived in Taipei on an unannounced two-day visit

 the second such trip this month and fourth overall since May 2017 when ties between Washington and Beijing 

began deteriorating over trade issues that have caused China's economic growth to stall while also affecting their political landscape domestically with people demanding more freedom

created tension especially at times like these where we see strongman rulers coming out instead giving way for dialogue among civilisations rather than using force against them 

The five-person delegation is visiting the self governing island of Taiwan in an effort to "reaffirm US support" and encourage stability across this strait. 

They will meet with President Tsai Ing Wange, as well her cabinet members including Joseph Wu

The visiting delegation from China will meet with elected leaders and members of the private sector to discuss shared interests including reducing tensions in Taiwan

The Chinese government has already responded by saying they're taking 'resolute countermeasures' against US provocations during this visit!