Student makes $110mn trading meme stock favourite Bed Bath & Beyond

The 20-year old student is now worth an estimated $110 million after selling his entire stake in Bed Bath & Beyond

which rose dramatically during last month's frenzy similar to last year’s meme stock boom.

Jake Freeman, an applied mathematics and economics major at the University of Southern California (USC), acquired nearly 5mn shares in Bed Bath & Beyond over summer months

after its earnings report showed discouraging results for investors. He bought his stake less than $5/share--a price that would have been fair enough

 if it were just one company but not when you're talking about allocating capital onto two different exchanges with four firms involved!

As things started looking bleak on Wall Street again last week due to another round capitalize CEO ouster plus some other reasons 

After selling the shares, Freeman went for dinner with his parents in New York City where they live and on Wednesday he flew to Los Angeles.

He said that initially stake cost about 25 million dollars which was mostly raised from friends or family members through crowdfunding campaigns

His uncle Dr Scott freeman worked at a pharmaceutical company before going onto become an executive producer of Mind Medicine Inc

another publicly traded firm headquartered just outside Chicago--Mindmedicine has been around since 2007 so its clearly doing something right!