Tommy Lee, 59, horrifies fans

Tommy Lee, 59 has left his fans shocked after posting a totally nude photo on Instagram. The Motley Crue star bared all as he sat down in what looked like an inflatable hot tub

 posed for the camera which was angled from head-to-toe with only one hand covering himself gingerly around midsection area before disappearing under waterline

where we can see part of another leg peeking out shyly waiting patiently until its time to come back up again

Tommy Lee, a founding member of Motley Crue and guitarist for the band has been married four times. He first met Pamela Anderson when she was just 16-years old

they were together for 96 hours before tying The knot in 1995 on top beach with only their friends as groomsmen (and misspells).

Their divorce three years later was most likely due to Tammy's drug abuse which led him into rehab numerous times throughout their marriage--but that didn't stop them from making kids

In 1998 Tommy finally got rounding up enough courage again...only this time his second wife wasn’t there waiting at home when he walked back